Terrorism Prevention


Despite Islamic teachings against suicide and killing innocent people in battle, terrorist groups like the Islamic State, or “ISIS,” have used a political form of Islam known as “Islamism” to justify their unholy war of terrorism. Whereas terrorist groups like Al Qaeda have mainly recruited soldiers from countries like Afghanistan or Pakistan, the Islamic State has introduced two new concepts to the public debate: ‘Home-grown terrorism’ and ‘radicalization’.


At least after the horrible attacks in Paris 2015 or Brussels 2016, we have to realize that  the threat of terrorism does not solely come from far-away countries but originates in people living as citizens like you and me on European soil. Home-grown radicalization of young Muslims in Europe has become one of the most dangerous threats to a peaceful life in Europe and Germany.

Dear students,

welcome to the homepage for the project "Terrorism Prevention".

In the following chapters you will get an insight into the process of radicalization. What is it that triggers these European Muslims to radicalize themselves to the extent that they sought refuge in extreme physical violence? How does ISIS uses its horrible and inhumane propaganda to recruit hundreds of young people and more important, how can we prevent young Muslims or converts from becoming terrorists.


Unfortunately, terrorism and its prevention has never been more current than at the present time. However, it has also never been more important to stand up and "fight" terrorism than today.


Have fun and enjoy the project!

Important Symbols



Individual Work



Partner Work



Group Work





Writing Task


Reading Task


 Listening Comprehension


 Speaking Activities


Diligence Work


Filming Activity


Pronunciation Activity

     Profiles & Motives

